After words with Diane and Audra, Kyle has a proposition for Victor

The Young and the Restless Recap for Monday, June 24, 2024
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The Young and the Restless Daily Recaps (Monday, June 24, 2024)
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Monday, July 1, 2024

Summer arrived at the Abbott mansion to check how Harrison was doing. However, Claire had news when she walked in the door. Summer wanted to take Harrison for ice cream. Claire informed her that the boy was asleep, and she didn't think he should be disturbed. He had had a very busy day at camp and was exhausted.

Summer was worried that Harrison might be having emotional issues, since it was his first day away from his caregivers since Jordan had kidnapped him. Claire said he'd seemed just fine, and he'd had a great day. However, Summer was taken aback when Claire informed her that Harrison's friends knew what had happened, and they thought he was a hero.

Summer said, "Harrison might enjoy the attention right now, but it could trigger traumatic memories for him...I don't want him to have any more nightmares." Claire promised she'd tell Summer if she was concerned, but she thought camp was good for Harrison. Claire said she understood how concerned Summer was about her son, but Summer challenged that.

Summer asked, "How can you say that, considering that you've never had a child? Especially one that just went through a horrific event like Harrison just did." Claire admitted that was true. She had never had kids or parents, but she has parents now and could see how much Victoria and Cole cared about her, so she had to have known something. She tried assuring Summer that Harrison was a strong kid, but Summer remained unconvinced.

Just then, Kyle arrived. Summer went upstairs to check on Harrison, leaving Kyle to wonder what he had just walked in on. Claire didn't think Summer would ever be okay with her, but Claire would try harder and make sure Summer could always see her son. When Summer returned to the living room, she said that Harrison was still sleeping, but she commented that he looked sunburned. Claire promised to make sure to use more sunblock in the future.

After Claire left the room to make Harrison a snack, Kyle came down on Summer for her attitude toward Claire. Summer defended herself before changing the subject. Kyle told Summer his latest career story. Diane had fired him from Jabot, and he was going to work with Audra as co-CEO of Glissade.

Summer was horrified at the thought and wondered if Kyle was out of his mind. She didn't like the idea of the secret Glissade owner. Summer understood Kyle's anger at his family, but she didn't want him declaring war on Jabot. She also didn't want him around Audra anymore and certainly didn't want Audra near Harrison. She even wondered if they should revisit their custody agreement, and she said she would have her attorney call his attorney. After Summer walked out, Claire returned and received a surprise dinner invitation from Kyle.

Billy approached Lily in the office, ready to turn Chancellor-Winters into Abbott-Chancellor. However, Lily was not as gung-ho. Jill seemed concerned that Lily wasn't completely on board with Billy's plan. Lily tried reassuring her, but Billy worried that Lily was taking Devon's accusations seriously. He said he would never use Lily just to push the vote through.

Billy said he was excited about their new business venture together. Lily insisted she would do what needed to be done, but she still worried about Jill's hesitancy. Billy wasn't worried at all, especially since he had Jill's voting power. Lily then stunned Billy when she told him that Jill had mentioned voting on her own. He still didn't want to blow things out of proportion. Lily worried that she had betrayed Devon for nothing.

Devon soon entered Lily's office. He wasn't happy, but he wanted to get the meeting going as soon as possible. Billy wanted to talk first and told Devon that he wanted to separate the two companies because of Jill's health. She was having heart trouble that was being treated in Europe. Billy asked that Devon not let on during the meeting that he knew the truth. Devon just thought the timing of Billy's confession was interesting.

"You essentially decided to drop this bomb right when we're about to decide about dividing this company," Devon said. Devon thought Billy was trying to get a sympathy vote, but Billy explained that it was a courtesy to tell Devon about Jill. Their argument ended when the meeting began, and Jill appeared on a TV screen. When Devon and Lily asked Jill how she felt, Jill knew her son had a big mouth.

"You told them, didn't you, Billy?" Jill asked. Jill was furious that Billy hadn't respected her privacy. He apologized but said he'd thought it was good for Lily and Devon to know. She wondered if he'd done it to get Lily and Devon to feel sorry for them and give them what he wanted. Billy admitted that Devon had asked the same thing, but that was not Billy's motivation.

The Chancellor-Winters board got Abby on the video call as Jill announced she would exercise her own vote. Devon's first question was how they planned to divide assets. Billy explained that the companies would keep the assets they had come in with before the merger, and they could figure out assets acquired together later. Devon wanted answers immediately, so Billy suggested that anything from Omega Sphere would stay with Devon's company, and everything else would go with Abbott-Chancellor. Devon was fine with that, so the separation vote took place. Devon, Billy, Lily, and Abby all voted to separate the companies. Jill then shocked them all when she declared that what they were doing was wrong.

Jill said, "Despite all the problems and the infighting, this company has prospered during the merger. I hate that Billy and Devon couldn't make it work. What I hate most of all is that the only option we have is to tear it all apart." She then voted no on the demerger. She knew her vote was only symbolic at that point, but she was angry. "Billy, you got what you want. I only hope it's worth it to you in the end," she said before turning her camera off and leaving the meeting. Devon quietly left the room as Billy and Lily wondered if they had done the right thing. Lily felt like they had let Jill down.

Abby finally made it to Paris to see her mother, but it apparently didn't go well. When she arrived back at Ashley's apartment, Traci could tell Abby was shaken up. Traci assured Abby that Ashley had been thrilled to see her. She had even lit up when her daughter had walked into the room. That did little to comfort Abby, who said it was very hard to see her mother locked away in an institution.

Traci asked Abby to focus on the progress that Ashley had made and not on everything that had happened to lead to her breakdown. Abby said she was trying to stay positive but couldn't believe she'd been in the dark the whole time, going about her life, thinking Ashley's problems were just mood swings. She was upset that nobody had told her what was really going on. Abby asked, "How could you do this to me? Did you think I couldn't handle it? Why did everyone shut me out? I wanted to be there for my mom the way she had been there for me all of these years."

Traci explained that Ashley had wanted to protect Abby, but Abby had a hard time believing that with all of Ashley's problems, she'd been level-headed enough to instruct her siblings to keep the truth from Abby. Traci admitted that if they had to do it all over again, they would have told Abby. She explained that Jack and Ashley always protected Traci, so it was Traci's instinct to protect Abby. She realized that was a mistake.

Soon, Alan dropped by with a gift for Traci -- a scarf he had seen her admiring in a boutique window. Alan was pleased to see Abby, but Abby was still emotional, so she didn't say much. Alan and Traci tried being optimistic for Abby's sake. Abby soon received a text about the upcoming board meeting and knew her next decision could change her life. She left the room to attend the meeting, and Alan and Traci went out for drinks.

Alan and Traci visited their favorite drink spot. Alan said it felt like it was becoming "our place." He had some bad memories of being there with Martin but thought Traci "cleansed the place" and helped erase all the negative energy. He said, "Being with you is just very reassuring. Your kindness, your compassion, it's just very rare."

Traci was flattered and told Alan she saw life as a continuum of joy and sorrow. She explained that people had to learn to accept all of it and move forward, which was what she had tried to do. Traci then asked Alan to tell her about himself. Alan described the close childhood relationship he'd had with his twin. They'd even pretended to be each other, but their mother had known the difference. Alan admitted that he didn't usually open up to people, but Traci made it easy.

Alan said he had just read one of Traci's novels. He thought the book was like her -- "beautiful inside and out." At the end of the evening, Alan took Traci back to Ashley's apartment and kissed her goodnight at the door.

On the next The Young and the Restless...


• Victor keeps his cards close to the vest.

• Nikki tells Jack she's feeling very guilty.

• Michael confides in Diane.



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