Hope is shocked when Douglas calls Paris ''Mom''

The Bold and the Beautiful Recap for Monday, June 24, 2024
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Monday, July 1, 2024

In Eric's office, Steffy and Hope continued to bicker in front of Thomas about his life choices. Steffy was thrilled for her brother, who'd found a woman who truly loved him. Steffy told Thomas to step into the future and leave Hope in the past where Hope belonged.

Hope, proclaiming herself the mother of Thomas' child, refused to let Steffy belittle her. Thomas asked if "we" could stop, but the women carried on as if he wasn't there. Steffy said if Hope wanted a future with Thomas, she'd be the one wearing his ring.

Thomas appreciated Steffy looking out for him, but he didn't want her to be so rough on Hope. He said he could handle his own life. His engagement had surprised everyone, and Hope needed time to process it. He believed Hope would see it was good for everyone. Thomas asked them to stop arguing. He hated it when they fought. Thomas left to pick up his son.

Hope wished they could get along, but Hope refused to let to Steffy disrespect her and mess with her life any longer. Steffy replied that Hope owed it to Thomas to let him enjoy the moment. Hope questioned Thomas' choice, but Steffy said she trusted his judgment. Scoffing, Hope said if that were true, Steffy wouldn't have gotten into his head and convinced him to leave with Douglas. Steffy said getting far from Hope was the best thing Thomas could have done.

Steffy yelled that Thomas was finally out of his fog, and Hope needed to let him go. Hope asked what she should do if she didn't want to and if she still loved him. Steffy replied that she was sorry for Hope, who hadn't appreciated Thomas. Calling it done, Steffy advised Hope to be with someone single, because Steffy would do all within her power to keep Thomas off the market. Steffy said Thomas had an exciting future without Hope.

In the design office, R.J. and Luna kissed. They admitted it felt as if it had been forever since they'd done that, but it was because she'd been getting to know her father. She said Bill was R.J.'s least favorite person, but R.J. said it was no longer true due to Bill creating Luna.

Luna announced that Bill wanted to adopt her. R.J. was excited, calling it a big step and a full-circle moment. It meant a lot to Luna, and she added that it did to her mom, too. Luna recalled that she and her mom had struggled, and there had been a void. She hadn't seen her mom smile so much as when they'd become a family with Bill. R.J. didn't get why Poppy, who had strong feelings for Bill, hadn't told Luna sooner. Luna said her mom could be mysterious sometimes. Luna's phone chimed, and she said she had an appointment.

At Il Giardino, Deacon, Hollis, and Sheila were excited about Tom's set that night. The restaurant was alive with an evening crowd, but upstairs, Poppy was upset with Tom for showing up at Bill's. Tom said he had wanted to invite Poppy to the concert and had hoped she'd bring their daughter. Poppy asserted that Luna wasn't his daughter, and he needed to stop.

Tom said he just wanted Luna to get to know him, and Luna didn't even know who her real dad was. Claiming Luna did know, Poppy stated that he was a kind man. "You only wish it was Bill Spencer, but it's not. It's me. I'm Luna's dad!" Tom proclaimed. Tom wanted to see Luna, who deserved to know who her real dad was.

Poppy insisted it wasn't Tom, and she told him to stop being delusional. She ordered him to stay out of her daughter's life, but Tom persisted, saying it was "our" daughter. He accused her of trying to keep him away for a long time, trying to land herself a rich man. Tom insisted that Luna needed to know who her real father was.

Poppy maintained that Luna's father was Bill. "You trapped that poor sucker!" Tom responded. Poppy told him that a paternity test had proven it. Tom called it bull. He'd kept his distance, but in his mind, it was time for Luna to know the truth. "Tom, for the last time!" Poppy yelled.

Tom insisted that he could tell Luna was his. He and Poppy had spent a lot of nights together, like in San Francisco. She said he'd been passed out on the tour bus, and she'd spent the evening with Bill Spencer. Tom figured she would say it was the rich Bill. Poppy disclosed that her sister, a doctor, had administered the test, and it had been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that Bill and Poppy were Luna's parents.

Tom asked why Poppy hadn't figured it out sooner. He said he'd tried reaching out, but she'd shut him down. Poppy accused him of being caught up in the "lifestyle," and she'd wanted to protect Luna from all of that. Poppy added that he'd kept calling her and sending her those letters. Tom said the letters had been returned. She replied that it was because they hadn't meant anything. "You're just a fling from my past, Tom. Now leave us alone!" Poppy ordered.

Tom stated that Poppy couldn't keep him from Luna. He said he had a show to do, but after that, he'd track Luna down and tell her that her dad "ain't Bill Spencer." Tom suggested that Poppy come clean but said that, either way, Tom was Luna's dad. He decided that he had to hit the can, and she had to go. Poppy's jaw dropped, and her back hit the wall behind her.

Back downstairs, the place was crowded and alive with background music and chatter. Jack grimaced when he saw Li at the end of the bar in her scrubs. He didn't remember her being one for live music. She drawled that he thought he knew her "so well." She admitted that she was there for a "pick-up" and hadn't known what had been going on there.

Urging Li to join him for a drink, Jack asked Hollis to get another for the lady. Jack toasted to Finn, and Li drank to that. Li seemed distracted as she looked around, and Jack asked if she was looking for someone. Li shook her head, annoyed. Li strode off and bumped into Sheila, who was amused to see Li. Li cocked her head and marched off.

Sheila turned and bumped into Justin. She guessed the place was filling up. Justin said it was the best food in town -- and live music he wouldn't miss for anything in the world.

By the bar with Deacon, Tom arrived without his energy drink. Hollis offered to get one from the back, but Tom insisted that it had to be ice blue. He guessed he'd left it backstage. Backstage, someone in leather gloves opened Tom's blue drink and sprinkled power into it.

Sheila passed Jack as she strode in from the backstage area. Deacon, Sheila, and Hollis encouraged Tom. As Tom went backstage, Jack shook his hand and said he couldn't wait to hear Tom play. Tom passed Justin, who came from backstage, looking irritated. Next, Tom and Li moved side to side to try to pass each other as she also entered from the backstage area.

When Tom made it backstage, he took a swig of his drink and practiced singing his song. Deacon arrived to give Tom a final pep talk. Tom said the night was about a fresh start. He was ready to take his life back and reclaim what was his.

Deacon stood onstage to welcome everyone to the first night of live music at Il Giardino. He introduced Tom, who took the stage with his blue drink in one hand and guitar in the other. Tom strummed the guitar, singing "H-O-T-T hotter than that..."

Chugging his drink, Tom performed several songs. As the crowd clapped, Tom's vision blurred, and he fell on the floor. Li frowned from her seat, looking on as Deacon, Hollis, and Sheila rushed to help Tom, who wasn't breathing. Sheila performed CPR.

On the next The Bold and the Beautiful...


• Poppy tries to make peace with Li

• Hope tells Brooke she'll put a stop to her feelings for Finn

• Ridge tells Steffy that he wants Brooke on the executive team



The Bold and the Beautiful's Matthew Atkinson is back
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