Poppy is unnerved when a pizza-toting Tom shows up at Bill's house

The Bold and the Beautiful Recap for Wednesday, June 26, 2024
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The Bold and the Beautiful Daily Recaps (Wednesday, June 26, 2024)
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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

In the design office, Ridge was still disconcerted by Paris' engagement news. Paris said she and Thomas hadn't wanted to break the news that way, but Douglas' excitement had beaten them to it. Ridge said he thought Thomas had gone overseas to refocus himself. Paris assured Ridge that his son had done that, and Thomas' time away had changed him. "Hope's his past, and I'm his future," Paris declared, confident in Thomas' love and commitment to her. Grinning, Steffy hoped Paris was right.

Paris brought up what her father had done to Steffy and Hope, but Ridge said no one blamed Paris for that. Paris remarked that Thomas regretted his part in it, and Ridge said his son had worked hard to put his life back on track. "Or you wouldn't be wearing his ring," Steffy noted.

Paris admitted that she'd been cautious because Thomas had been in an emotional tailspin. She stated that she'd been where he'd been, in love with someone who couldn't commit. She'd sworn she'd never let it happen to her again, and she'd protect her heart at all costs. She said she hadn't had to worry because Thomas had been there, protecting it for her.

Ridge noted that, not long before, Thomas had asked Hope to marry him and raise Douglas as a family. Paris assumed Ridge thought she was deluding herself, but she said she wasn't. She and Thomas had had long, deep, intense conversations. They'd opened up and connected like never before. She said Hope and Thomas would always care for each other, and they'd always have history. "But now, Thomas can see a future where he'd be happy with someone other than Hope," Paris explained.

Steffy said it was Paris. Nodding, Paris revealed that she trusted Thomas, even around Hope. Paris explained that she and Thomas wanted a family and a full life. She knew that marriage was a big step, especially with a little boy to consider. She promised that they wouldn't be disappointed in her as a daughter- or sister-in-law. Steffy replied that Hope had put Thomas through "hell," and Steffy was grateful Thomas had Paris.

In Eric's office, Hope found it hard to believe that Thomas had proposed marriage to Paris after Hope and Thomas had shared something they'd never experienced before. Thomas reminded Hope that she'd turned him down twice, and she had to know what it had done to him. Sorry to have hurt him, she said that maybe if she'd done things differently, he wouldn't have left.

Thomas insisted that he'd had to move on. "So fast? So soon! To Paris Buckingham?" Hope asked. Hope told him not to marry Paris. He wished Hope had been that passionate before he'd left. She claimed that she had been passionate about their future, and she'd loved him. He replied that he'd loved her, too, and he'd told himself that if he kept proposing, she'd make him the happiest man in the world. He'd been wrong, so he'd had to go.

Hope wished Thomas hadn't gone. She claimed everything would be different. She guessed she understood it, but she didn't understand Paris at the center of his life with Douglas calling Paris "Mom" in such a short time. Hope insisted that it was too fast, and he knew it. Thomas asked if she thought he was on the rebound. She snapped that he'd proposed to her not too long back.

Thomas said he'd gone away to get over what had happened, and Paris had already been there, living her life. They'd reconnected. "And fell in love in such a short amount of time?" Hope asked. He saw that she was having a problem with it, and he understood why. He told her that he wasn't getting any younger, and he wanted another child and a family. Hope asked if that meant Paris was his future.

Thomas told Hope that he'd watched his sister break out of toxic patterns with Liam. Steffy had moved on to a better relationship. Steffy was happy with Finn. Thomas asked if Hope wanted that for him. Hope claimed to want him to be happy, and he asserted that Paris made him happy. He stated that they had baggage, but he would not have proposed if he hadn't thought they could make a go of it. Paris was the one he'd spend his life with, and she'd be his wife.

Thomas stated that Hope would always be important to him, but their time had passed. They'd co-parent together, and as much as Douglas loved Hope, he loved Paris, too. Hope rolled her eyes. Thomas said that he and Paris were creating their own little family, and it would soon be official when they got married.

Hope quietly said that if it was Thomas' decision, she had to accept it. She claimed she'd always want what was best for him and would always love him. Hope kissed his cheek.

Steffy peeked in, saw the kiss, and ducked back out. Thomas exited, and Steffy returned, wondering if Hope thought a kiss was all it would take for Thomas to go running back to Hope. Hope told Steffy to leave Hope alone because Hope was in no mood. Steffy asserted that Thomas wanted nothing to do with Hope, and Hope needed to respect that and not even think about hurting or disappointing Steffy's brother again.

At Il Giardino, Tom thought of Poppy. He placed his blue drink on the bar, looked up Bill's address in the delivery system, and wrote it on a napkin. Deacon arrived with an advertisement and asked what Tom thought of his name in print. Deacon wondered if Tom was pumped about playing the guitar there. Tom was nervous, but Deacon was stoked about Tom Starr's comeback tour. Tom wasn't sure old fans would show up, but it had been a blast back in the day.

Deacon left to help Hollis set the stage up. Tom sipped his drink, pondering the napkin with Bill's address scrawled on it. Sheila guessed he was hydrating himself before his set. Tom said it was just a sports drink, and there was no more booze for Tom, who had partied hard back in the day. Sheila mumbled about second chances and said they all deserved them.

As Sheila and Tom cleaned, Sheila remarked that she'd made mistakes in her past, "which you've apparently already looked into." She asked who was perfect. She believed everyone was capable of change. Agreeing, Tom said he'd lived many lives over the years. Grateful that he'd saved her life, she told him that she chose to see him as who he was right then, not the other person he kept hinting at. She hoped he could do the same for her. She asked that he not dredge her past up to her husband.

Deacon arrived to say the stage was set. Tom spoke about how he'd gone from life on the streets to where he was that day. He couldn't thank the Sharpes enough. Deacon said Tom had helped saved Sheila's life, but Tom said they'd helped save his. Tom left for the kitchen to prepare for some deliveries he'd make before the show.

Later, Deacon noted that Tom hadn't returned yet from his deliveries. Deacon had wanted to offer to do a soundcheck with Tom. Sheila replied that Deacon's nightclub experience was showing. Deacon spoke about how much he owed Tom. Sheila said he'd given the man a job. Deacon was glad it had worked out. "So far," Sheila replied, remarking that there was still a lot they didn't know about Tom. To her, Tom was somewhat of a mystery.

At Bill's place, Luna giggled, telling Poppy that Bill had just called to check in for the third time. Poppy said it was a whole new world for Bill, and Luna replied that it was for her, too, to have a father like Bill Spencer. Poppy cooed about how exciting the time was for Luna, and Luna said Poppy was back with the man she'd loved all those years back.

Luna left the room to take a call from R.J. The doorbell rang, and Poppy opened the door. "Pizza delivery, Poppy," Tom said. Addressing him by name, Poppy asked what he was doing there. Tom entered, handing her a free pizza and letting her know how he'd gotten the address. He complimented her digs, but she said he needed to leave. "Don't play games with me, Poppy," Tom replied. She said she didn't know what he was talking about, but he said she did.

Poppy threatened to call security, but Tom said he wasn't there to cause trouble. He was just delivering her favorite pizza. Poppy started to call security. He told her that he'd come in peace. He hadn't forgotten about her, and he was sure she hadn't forgotten about him.

Luna returned to the room, and Tom gazed at her. Luna asked who he was. Poppy said he'd just been delivering a pizza, and the gates would open on his way out. Tom left, and Luna took the pizza box to the couch. Poppy silently panicked.

On the next The Bold and the Beautiful...


• Poppy tries to make peace with Li

• Hope tells Brooke she'll put a stop to her feelings for Finn

• Ridge tells Steffy that he wants Brooke on the executive team



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