Billy catches on to Lily and Devon's plan

The Young and the Restless Recap for Wednesday, July 3, 2024
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Wednesday, July 3, 2024

At the Athletic Club, Audra approached Nate at the bar, and she asked to join him. Audra ecstatically told Nate that an "official press release" about Glissade would be published the next day. Nate said that he was very happy for Audra's success and that she was "better off without Tucker." Audra agreed. She said that Tucker had manipulated her, and she had gotten "caught up in it."

Nate said that Audra was "tough" and "decent," and it was hard for him to believe how Tucker had behaved. Audra, tearing up, admitted that she had known how ruthless Tucker had been, and she had been intoxicated by the fact that Tucker had seen "something special" in her.

Audra said that everything had changed for her, and she had a new future ahead. Nate noted that he could see and feel the change in Audra. Nate recounted that he had always known Audra was "destined for great things," and he had wondered why she had needed to "team up with Tucker." Nate said that Tucker was a "con man" who had a "big, fat ego." Audra conceded that Nate had tried to warn her. Nate was happy that Audra had finally "embraced the truth."

Audra regretted having spent so much time with Tucker, since there was an "insightful" man who truly understood her and thought she was "wonderful" right in front of her. Nate grinned, and he said that Audra deserved "a celebration."

Nate and Audra toasted, and Audra asked how things had been going at Chancellor-Winters. Nate reported that there was still drama at the company, and some "seismic shifts" were ahead. Audra asked for a hint on the news, and Nate asked Audra to first tell him who her "mystery investor" was. Audra laughed, and Nate jokingly asked, "No deal?" Audra toasted again to their success.

Audra and Nate walked toward the stairs and agreed that things were looking up for both of them. Audra told Nate that she was tempted to invite him up for a nightcap, but she wouldn't be doing so. Audra kissed Nate and went up to her room.

Summer and Chance met up at Society, and Summer jumped into complaining about Kyle. After he let Summer ramble for a while, Chance reported that he had "some news that [Summer was] not going to believe."

Chance let Summer know that Billy had talked the Chancellor-Winters board into separating the companies. Summer was surprised, since there had been so much work put into merging the companies, and she asked what the "upside" was. Chance told Summer about the structures of the new companies, and he mentioned that he had been asked to become the new COO for Abbott-Chancellor.

Summer asked if Chance was "thrilled" with the promotion. Chance replied that he was honored, but he had spoken with Jill, who didn't support the separation. Chance said that something didn't "feel right" about the split.

Summer asked Chance what he thought Billy's motivation was. Chance wasn't sure, but he said that Billy was taking "an unfortunate situation and using it for his own benefit." Summer inquired about the situation, but Chance said that he couldn't tell her more about it.

Summer and Chance continued to speculate on what Billy's "endgame" could be. Summer asked if Billy was being "driven by blind ambition." Chance confirmed that he believed that was the case. Chance hoped that the split would stop the "infighting" at the company, but he said that he would "feel a lot better" if Jill had agreed with the decision. Summer said that she was "shocked" that Lily had decided to stay with Billy at Abbott-Chancellor.

Chance concurred that Lily's decision seemed odd. Chance speculated that Lily was staying on the Chancellor side because Jill had "invested" in Lily's career. Summer suggested that Billy could be investing in Chance in the same way, because Billy believed in Chance. Summer said that they should celebrate, but Chance said that he couldn't yet because of the tension.

At Crimson Lights, Lily told Billy that she had "had to get out" of the office after the board meeting. Billy reminded Lily that they had "won." Lily said that it did not feel like "a victory," since Jill had not agreed with the decision to separate the companies. Lily said that Jill had made good arguments about Chancellor-Winters' profitability, but Billy said that they were going to build something even better.

Billy said that once Jill saw the Abbott-Chancellor logo on the building, Jill would no longer have "reservations" about the decision. Lily wasn't buying it, and Billy asked if Lily had changed her mind about the plan because of Jill's hesitation.

Lily said that she couldn't ignore Jill's feelings, but Billy argued that together, they could "exceed" Jill's expectations. Lily was frustrated, and she asked for time to think and process the situation. Billy said that Lily was starting to "scare" him.

Lily said that Billy would be fine without her, and she suggested that Billy run Abbott-Chancellor by himself. Billy argued that Lily had been supportive of his plan, and he asked why she was talking about "walking away" all of a sudden. It dawned on Billy that Lily had been "playing [him] this entire time."

Lily pretended not to understand, as Billy suggested that Lily's "game plan" had been to pretend to be on his side so she and Devon could get Billy out of the way. Billy had clearly put the pieces together, but Lily accused Billy of being "delusional." Lily gaslit Billy some more before she said that she just needed "time to think," and she stormed out of the coffeehouse.

Summer and Chance walked in as Lily exited. Billy pretended nothing was wrong, so Summer and Chance grabbed a table. Summer explained that Kyle had really angered her earlier, but she said that she didn't want to "cause turmoil" for Harrison.

At the Abbott mansion, Jack demanded to know how Victor had known that Kyle had left Jabot. Kyle was coy, and he said that he had been "considering several potential offers." As his parents demanded to know if Kyle was going to work for Victor, Kyle told them that it was none of their concern. Kyle said that neither of his parents had given "a damn about yanking away [his] birthright." Diane and Jack continued to insist that they cared about Kyle and his well-being, even though Diane had fired him from Jabot.

Kyle grew more and more livid as Jack tried to persuade his son that nothing good could happen from working with Victor. Jack insisted that his issue was with Victor and not a lack of belief in Kyle's work. Jack reminded Kyle that Victor took advantage of people, and Jack said that if Victor wanted to hire Kyle, there was a "self-serving, nefarious reason behind it." Kyle took offense, and Diane told him to stop "twisting" their words.

Diane and Jack tried to get through to Kyle and praised his business acumen. Diane repeated that Kyle had only been let go because of a "personal conflict" between the two of them. Kyle refused to listen and, as he took a sip of his drink, quipped that Diane's words might get him a bigger severance package. Jack said that he was trying to "look out" for Kyle. Kyle yelled, "I don't want -- or need -- you looking out for me!" Kyle continued, saying that because Diane had left when he'd actually needed care and guidance, she didn't get to "reclaim" the opportunity to care for him as an adult. Diane was visibly wounded by Kyle's words.

Diane tearfully told Kyle that she had regretted what she had done when he'd been young. Kyle retorted that she was "cold-hearted" and was still capable of cutting her son out of her life when it was in her best interest. Jack told Kyle that what Kyle had said had been a "low blow." Kyle would not relent, and he told Diane that nothing he did was any concern of hers. Kyle stormed upstairs.

Jack told Diane not to take what Kyle had said "to heart." Diane started to break down, but she said that she would fire Kyle again for how awful he had been acting. Diane said that Kyle had been "enjoying" that his parents were "in the dark" about what he was up to. Diane said that she was still convinced Victor was involved.

Diane recounted that Victor had asked Michael to "rekindle" a friendship with Diane. Diane also reported that Victor had asked Cole to "befriend" Kyle. Diane said that she and Michael suspected that Victor was "plotting some sort of retaliation for what happened with Nikki." Jack asked if Diane thought Victor was going to "reignite" his feud with Jack. Diane said that Victor had been trying to stir up her feelings about the night Jack had spent with Nikki.

Jack was upset that Victor was manipulating Kyle, but Diane said that Kyle might be going along with Victor's plan "willingly." Jack agreed that they had to "consider the possibility" that Kyle would betray the Abbotts, since Kyle had been "lured to the dark side before." Kyle walked downstairs, and Diane and Jack pretended to talk about business. Kyle announced that he would be moving out so that Harrison wouldn't have to "be subjected to all this tension."

Diane and Jack took turns begging Kyle not to move out and reminding him that they loved him. Kyle stubbornly argued that things were "different this time." Before turning to go, Kyle cryptically said that "things are about to get way worse." Jack angrily grabbed his phone and said that he was going to get answers directly from "the Mustache." Jack texted Victor, asking to meet as soon as possible.

On the next The Young and the Restless...


• Danny and Christine surprise Traci in Paris

• Summer tells Kyle he is delusional if he thinks he can take Harrison away

• Jack tells Victor his family if off limits



The Bold and the Beautiful's Matthew Atkinson is back
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